ZTF Spring Meeting | Paris May 2022

4 Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris

4 Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris



The ZTF Spring 2022 meeting will be in person in downtown Paris, France from the 10th (see below) to the 13th of May 2022.

The meeting will be located 4 Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris. It is hosted by the LPNHE, the Paris lab of the CNRS/IN2P3.

Zoom connection will be made available for remote access. 


Slides should be uploaded on the dedicated ZTF twiki page:


Rooms & Zoom Connections
Please check the guide here

Tuesday the 10th: // Sessions 

Wednesday the 11th-> Friday the 12th: Main meeting

Where to eat:

  • On Tuesday, you are on your own. Here is a list of places from where you can have lunch.
  • On Wed-Fri, there will be lunch boxes delivered by a restaurant nearby. There are nice places around the campus where you can go during lunchbreak: the Seine river banks (7 min walk), the Jardin des Plantes (7 min walk) or the Arenes de Lutece (10 min walk).



The ZTF Meeting will be in the historical centre of Paris (near the Cathedral, the "Quartier latin", the Pantheon, etc.). Any hotel near Place Jussieu would be good, but be careful, sometime the hotel room in French hotels could be small. The typical price range for decent hotel in Paris is ~100€/night to ~200€/night. 

Note that downtown Paris is not that big and the public transportations works quite well (subway, bus, city-bikes "velib'" etc. )

Here is nonetheless a small list of hotels, these are only examples, check on booking or equivalent for choices :

Social events

Social events are being organised. Stay tune


If you need a visa to come to France, please contact Nicolas Regnault (nicolas.regnault@lpnhe.in2p3.fr)

COVID 19 rules.

Please check the official government webpage here: https://www.interieur.gouv.fr/covid-19-international-travel

  • Once in France, there are no special regulations anymore even though the mask is recommended and sometime mandatory for health-related shops like Pharmacies. The University recommends wearing mask in small meeting rooms.
  • To enter FrancePlease check the official web page:
    But for indication, the 20th of April, the following rules applies
    • For travelers vaccinated within the meaning of European regulations, no more tests is required on departure. Proof of a complete vaccination schedule becomes sufficient to arrive in France, regardless of the country of origin, as was the case before the distribution of the Omicron variant.
    • For unvaccinated travellers, the obligation to present a negative test to travel to France remains, but the measures on arrival (test, isolation) are lifted when they come from countries on the "green" list, characterized by a moderate circulation of the virus.
    • When unvaccinated travelers come from a country on the "orange" list, they must continue to present a compelling reason justifying the need for them to come to mainland France and may still be subject to a random test on arrival. Travelers who test positive will have to isolate themselves, in accordance with the recommendations of the Health Insurance.
  • Check on the official web page for the "color" of your country (most are green)

Check here concerning COVID-19 test prices in France. For non-French antigen tests can be made roughly in every pharmacies for 22€ and results should be available within a couple of hours. If you need a PCR test, you need to schedule it. The best way is through the Doctolib app I beleive. PCR tests are ~50€.

SOC: Mickael Rigault (head), Jesper Sollerman, Mansi  Kasliwal, Matthew Graham, Adam Miller
LOC: Nicolas Regnault (head), Leander Lacroix, Pierre Antilogus, Guy Augarde

This meeting has received support from ZTF, the IN2P3, the Agence National de la Rechercher and the European Research Council (grant n°759194 - USNAC)

    • SWG Parallel sessions: SWG Cosmology Seminar room (ground floor)

      Seminar room (ground floor)

      • 1
        (Cosmo) Who is Who doing What

        2 to 3 minutes per person with 1 or 2 slides. Slides should be given in advance

      • 2
        (Cosmo) DR2 Sample | What data do we have (and don't)
      • 3
        (Cosmo) DR2 Sample | How to access the data (tuto)
        Orateur: Mickael Rigault (IP2I)
    • SWG Parallel sessions: SWG SN Physics Salle des conseils (ground floor)

      Salle des conseils (ground floor)

      • 4
        (SN) Intro
      • 5
        (SN) Flash ionisation features: early time CSM interaction
        Orateur: Rachel Bruch
      • 6
        (SN) SLSNI spectra analysis
        Orateur: Yan Lin
    • Social Event: Coffee Break
    • SWG Parallel sessions: SWG Cosmology Seminar room (ground floor)

      Seminar room (ground floor)

      • 7
        (Cosmo) DR2 Sample | List of papers discussion
      • 8
        (Cosmo) DR2 Sample | What is missing
      • 9
        (Cosmo) DR2 Sample | What Can you bring
    • SWG Parallel sessions: SWG SN Physics Salle des conseils (ground floor)

      Salle des conseils (ground floor)

      • 10
        (SN) SN 2018ibb
        Orateur: Steve Schulze
      • 11
        (SN) Low mass end of CC SNe
        Orateur: Kaustav Das
      • 12
        (SN) Superluminous SN 2020znr
        Orateur: Janet Chen
    • Social Event: free time for Lunch
    • SWG Parallel sessions: ML WG Neutrino room (first floor)

      Neutrino room (first floor)

      • 13
        (ML) Modelling AGN variability
        Orateur: Matthew Graham (CalTech)
      • 14
        (ML) Automated classification of SEDM spectra using deep learning
        Orateur: Yashvi Sharma
      • 15
        (ML) SNGuess: a method for the selection of young extragalactic transients (remote)
        Orateur: Nicolas Miranda
      • 16
        (ML) SCoPe
        Orateur: Jan von Roestel
      • 17
        (ML) Real-time SN Ia light curve augmentation to maximize SALT2 constraints (remote)
        Orateur: Sravan Sravan
      • 18
        (ML) ZTF Solar System object detection and follow up (remote)
        Orateur: Bryce Bolin (B612 Foundation)
      • 19
        (ML) Combining Data Science and STEM with Mobile App ZARTH (remote)
        Orateur: Anika Anika
    • SWG Parallel sessions: SWG SN Physics X Cosmology Seminar room (ground floor)

      Seminar room (ground floor)

      • 20
        (SN x Cosmo) Low luminosity lax SNe
        Orateur: Viraj Karambelkar
      • 21
        (SN x Cosmo) la-CSM sample
        Orateur: Yashvi Sharma
      • 22
        (SN x Cosmo) Overview on SNe Ia Physics Projects
        Orateur: Maxime Deckers
    • SWG Parallel sessions: SN Cosmology Seminar room (ground floor)

      Seminar room (ground floor)

      • 23
        (Cosmo) The SNeIa Volume limited Sample
        Orateur: Madeleine Ginolin (IP2I)
      • 24
        (Cosmo) AMPEL & Selection Function
        Orateur: Jakob Nordin
    • SWG Parallel sessions: SN Physics Salle des conseils (ground floor)

      Salle des conseils (ground floor)

      • 25
        (SN) Magnetars
        Orateur: Ping Chen
    • Social Event: Coffee Break
    • SWG Parallel sessions: SN Physics Salle des conseils (ground floor)

      Salle des conseils (ground floor)

      • 26
        (SN) SNe Ibc from the Bright Transient Survey
    • SWG Parallel sessions: SWG Cosmology Seminar room (ground floor)

      Seminar room (ground floor)

    • SWG Parallel sessions: WG ML Neutrino room (first floor)

      Neutrino room (first floor)

      • 29
        (ML) Plans
      • 30
        (ML) Discussion
    • SWG Parallel sessions: Cross WG Discussion (SN & Cosmo & BTS) Seminar room (ground floor)

      Seminar room (ground floor)

      • 31
        Common discussions with SNIa and BTS on Light curves and classification
    • Social Event: Welcoming “Cocktail with a view”
    • Social Event: Starting
    • Update on SWG: AGN & TDE Amphitheatre Charpak

      Amphitheatre Charpak

      https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/91615954682?pwd=UEhCT05kT1h4VWxqbmFFa05wTkx6Zz09 Code secret : ZTF2Paris
      Présidents de session: Ashish Mahabal, Daniel Perley (Liverpool John Moores University)
      • 32
        Update on TDE Results
        Orateur: ‪Sjoert van Velzen
      • 33
        Update on AGN
        Orateur: Matthew Graham (CalTech)
      • 34
        The X-ray Bright TDE AT2021ehb
        Orateur: Yuhan Yao (Caltech)
      • 35
        TDEs with the 3 GHz VLA Sky Survey
        Orateur: Jean Somalwar
      • 36
        The Final Season Reimagined: 30 TDEs
        Orateur: Erica Hammerstein
    • Social Event: Coffee Break
    • Update on SWG: Multi-Messenger Amphitheatre Charpak

      Amphitheatre Charpak

      https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/91615954682?pwd=UEhCT05kT1h4VWxqbmFFa05wTkx6Zz09 Code secret : ZTF2Paris
      Présidents de session: Jesper Sollerman, Mathew Smith (IN2P3)
      • 37
        Update on Neutrino Counterparts
        Orateurs: Simeon Reusch (DESY), Sjoert van velzen (Leiden University)
      • 38
        Update on GRBs
        Orateur: Tomas Ahumada (University of Maryland)
      • 39
        Update on ZTFResT and AT2022cmc
        Orateur: Igor Andreoni (Joint Space-Science Institute)
      • 40
        Update on Preparations for the upcoming O4 run
        Orateurs: Michael Coughlin (University of Minnesota), Shreya Anand (CalTech)
    • Social Event: Lunch
    • ZTF PhDs: PhD Session 1 Amphitheatre Charpak

      Amphitheatre Charpak

      Présidents de session: Steve Schulze, Suhail Dhawan
      • 41
        Rachel Bruch | Flash Spectroscopy
        Orateur: Rachel Bruch
      • 42
        Melissa Amenouche | ZTF survey simulation
        Orateur: Melissa Amenouche (Laboratoire de Physique de Clermont)
      • 43
        Kaustav Das | Low mass end of CC SNe
        Orateur: Kaustav Das
      • 44
        Estelle Robert | Estimation of fs8 from SNe Ia
        Orateur: Estelle Robert (IP2I)
      • 45
        Signatures of interaction in SNe Ia
        Orateur: Jacco Terwel
    • Cross WG activities: Discussion Amphitheatre Charpak

      Amphitheatre Charpak

      Présidents de session: Mickael Rigault (IP2I), Erik Kool (Stockholm University)
      • 46
        Structured discussion | Lightcurve Photometry
      • 47
        Structured discussion | Simulations (simsurvey++)
      • 48
        Structured discussion | Broker (AMPEL, filter, Fritz)
    • Social Event: Discussion over Coffee Break
    • General overview: IPAC Amphitheatre Charpak

      Amphitheatre Charpak

      Présidents de session: Mickael Rigault (IP2I), Erik Kool (Stockholm University)
      • 49
        News from IPAC
        Orateur: Ben Rusholme
    • General overview: ZTF-II Amphitheatre Charpak

      Amphitheatre Charpak

      Présidents de session: Steve Schulze, Suhail Dhawan
      • 50
        General overview on ZTF
        Orateur: Matthew Graham (CalTech)
    • Social Event: Dinner on river-boat
    • Update on SWG: Physics of Supernovae Amphitheatre Charpak

      Amphitheatre Charpak

      https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/91615954682?pwd=UEhCT05kT1h4VWxqbmFFa05wTkx6Zz09 Code secret : ZTF2Paris
      Présidents de session: Matthew Graham (CalTech), Leander Lacroix (LPNHE)
      • 51
        General Introduction
        Orateur: Jesper Sollerman
      • 52
        Weizmann Precursors, Flash and New telescopes
        Orateur: Nora Linn Strojohann
      • 53
        A radio-detected thermonuclear supernova interacting with helium rich circumstellar material
        Orateur: Erik Kool (Stockholm University)
      • 54
        Luminous Red Novea and Intermediate Luminosity Red Transients
        Orateur: Viraj Karambelkar
    • Social Event: Coffee Break
    • Update on SWG: Cosmology Amphitheatre Charpak

      Amphitheatre Charpak

      https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/91615954682?pwd=UEhCT05kT1h4VWxqbmFFa05wTkx6Zz09 Code secret : ZTF2Paris
      Présidents de session: Lin Yan, Sjoert van velzen (Leiden University)
      • 55
        Update on ZTF Cosmo DR2
        Orateur: Mathew Smith (IN2P3)
      • 56
        Strongly Lensed SNe Ia Search
        Orateur: Ana Sagués Carracedo
      • 57
        SNe Ia Progenitor & "Weirdos"
        Orateur: Georgios Dimitriadis
      • 58
        Prospect for Cosmology (H0, w and fs8)
        Orateur: Mickael Rigault (IP2I)
    • Social Event: Lunch
    • ZTF PhDs: PhD session 2 Amphitheatre Charpak

      Amphitheatre Charpak

      Présidents de session: Sébastien Bongard (LPNHE), Rachel Bruch
      • 60
        Yashvi Sharma | Ia-CSM
        Orateur: Yashvi Sharma
      • 61
        Alice Townsend | Search for lensed SNe with Ampel
        Orateur: Alice Townsend
      • 62
        Madeleine Ginolin | Volume Limited Ia Sample
        Orateur: Madeleine Ginolin (IP2I)
      • 63
        Bumps in the ZTF Ia sample
        Orateur: Maxime Deckers
    • Cross WG activities: Instrument & Calibration Amphitheatre Charpak

      Amphitheatre Charpak

      Présidents de session: Sébastien Bongard (LPNHE), Rachel Bruch
      • 64
        How the hardware misbehaves
        Orateur: Roger Smith (California Institute of Technology)
      • 65
        Zubercal | fixing the PSF photometry
        Orateur: Andrew Drake
      • 66
        Calibration Overview | from photons to Lightcurve
        Orateur: Nicolas Regnault (LPNHE)
      • 67
        ZTF IN2P3 pipeline, where we are
        • UberCal
        • Flats
        • Scene Modelling
        Orateurs: Benjamin Racine (CPPM/IN2P3/CNRS), Philippe Rosnet (Université Blaise Pascal - CNRS/IN2P3)
    • Social Event: Coffee Break
    • Cross WG activities: Machine Learning Amphitheatre Charpak

      Amphitheatre Charpak

      Présidents de session: Roger Smith, Simeon Reusch (DESY)
    • Cross WG activities: Bright Transient Survey Amphitheatre Charpak

      Amphitheatre Charpak

      Présidents de session: Roger Smith, Simeon Reusch (DESY)
      • 68
        BTS Overview
        Orateur: Daniel Perley (Liverpool John Moores University)
    • General overview: ZTF-III discussions Amphitheatre Charpak

      Amphitheatre Charpak

      Présidents de session: Nicolas Regnault (LPNHE), Luke Harvey
      • 69
        Introduction to ZTF-III
        Orateur: Shrinivas Kulkarni (Caltech)
      • 70
        ZTF-III Discussion
    • Update on SWG: Galactic & M31 Amphitheatre Charpak

      Amphitheatre Charpak

      https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/91615954682?pwd=UEhCT05kT1h4VWxqbmFFa05wTkx6Zz09 Code secret : ZTF2Paris
      Présidents de session: Marek Kowalski, Young-Lo Kim (Lancaster University)
      • 71
        Orateur: Jan von Roestel
      • 72
        pulsating white dwarf stars
        Orateur: Zach Vanderbosch
      • 73
        Galactic X-ray sources
        Orateur: Tony Rodriguez
      • 74
        massive rapidly rotating white dwarfs
        Orateur: Ilaria Ciaizzo
    • Social Event: Coffee Break
    • Update on SWG: Solar System Bodies Amphitheatre Charpak

      Amphitheatre Charpak

      https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/91615954682?pwd=UEhCT05kT1h4VWxqbmFFa05wTkx6Zz09 Code secret : ZTF2Paris
      Présidents de session: Joel Johansson, Erica Hammerstein
      • 75
        Overview Solar System
        Orateur: Bryce Bolin (B612 Foundation)
      • 76
        Cometary outburst
        Orateur: Michael Kelley (University of Maryland)
      • 77
        Asteroid phase curve
        Orateur: Zhong-Yi Lin
      • 78
        Earth Trojans
        Orateur: Travis Yeager
    • Social Event: Lunch
    • ZTF PhDs: PhD Session 3 Amphitheatre Charpak

      Amphitheatre Charpak

      Présidents de session: Kate Maguire, Benjamin Racine (CPPM/IN2P3/CNRS)
      • 79
        Bastien Carreres | Bias affecting the derivation of fs8
        Orateur: Bastien Carreres (CPPM)
      • 80
        Guy Augarde | SALT++ SNe Ia Lightcurve fitter
        Orateur: Guy Augarde (LPNHE)
      • 81
        Erez Zimmerman | To Be Given
        Orateur: Erez Zimmerman
      • 82
        Kelian Sommer | SNe Ia 2nd bump
        Orateur: Kelian sommer
      • 83
        Spectral modelling of SNe Ia and exotic transients
        Orateur: Luke Harvey
    • Cross WG activities: SEDm Amphitheatre Charpak

      Amphitheatre Charpak

      Présidents de session: Kate Maguire, Benjamin Racine (CPPM/IN2P3/CNRS)
    • Cross WG activities: Fritz Discussion Amphitheatre Charpak

      Amphitheatre Charpak

      Présidents de session: Delphine HARDIN (Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris), Yashvi Sharma
    • General overview: LSST & ZTF Amphitheatre Charpak

      Amphitheatre Charpak

      Présidents de session: Delphine HARDIN (Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris), Yashvi Sharma
    • Social Event: Concluding Coffee Break
    • General overview: Closing discussion Amphitheatre Charpak

      Amphitheatre Charpak