June 27, 2022 to July 8, 2022
Europe/Paris timezone

Organized by the Working Group 2 "Collective effects with nucleon and nuclear collisions, phase diagram of QCD" of the IN2P3/INP GDR-QCD, the summer school "Heavy Ion Collisions in the QCD phase diagram" welcomes all PhD students and young postdocs.

The summer school will be held from 26 June to 9 July, 2022, at the Subatech laboratory in Nantes – France.

Its primary goal is to discuss the physics of heavy-ion collisions in the context of QCD at finite temperature and baryon density. The formation of the QGP, its thermodynamic properties and the phase transition to hadronic matter will be illuminated from various angles: the interplay between theory, phenomenology and experiment, the evolution of observables from low to high net-baryon density, and links to astrophysics. The audience will be enabled to see the large picture of the study of the QGP and the QCD phase diagram via HIC while at the same time learning the basics of the hydrodynamical model, the application of thermal field theory to the QCD medium, the in-medium modification of hadrons in the view of chiral symmetry breaking and the treatment of high-pT and heavy flavor probes of the QGP.

This school is also aiming at unravelling how experimentalists get to the final observables starting from the raw data and how theoreticians use event generators to test the models versus experimental data. The grand topics of the experimental collaborations working on HIC at LHC, RHIC, including the physics of the beam energy scan, GSI/FAIR and NICA are covered.

In dedicated hands-on sessions the students will be able to work on problems themselves in order to deepen their understanding in the various fields and techniques. Selected student presentations will enhance the exchange around the state-of-art research projects of the international participants.

In summary the following subjects are proposed :

  • HIC initial state and (nuclear) parton distribution functions
  • Hydrodynamics & QGP 
  • QGP thermodynamics & Thermal field theory
  • Heavy quarks as QGP hard probes 
  • Jets as QGP hard probes 
  • Hadrons in medium
  • Fluctuations and critical phenomena in the QCD phase diagram
  • Compact stars
  • From raw data to observables
  • From event generators to data comparison

During the school students will stay at ICAM (see location) which is a 20 minutes walk away from Subatech.

A social dinner will take place on Friday 1st of July at the restaurant Lieu Unique and an excursion visiting the Machine de l'île and the Trentemoult village will be proposed on Saturday 2nd of July. A second social dinner will take place on Friday 8th of July at the restaurant Les Terrasses de l’Erdre.

The registration fee is 380 Euro (250 Euro for local students) and will be collected online after your registration has been approved by the organizers. The registration fee includes participation in the lectures, accommodation, 3 meals per (lecture!) day, coffee breaks, two social dinners and an excursion.

Marlene NAHRGANG (Subatech)     nahrgang@subatech.in2p3.fr
Béatrice RAMSTEIN (IJCLab) ramstein@ipno.in2p3.fr
Antonin MAIRE (IPHC) antonin.maire@iphc.cnrs.fr
Marcus BLUHM (Subatech) bluhm@subatech.in2p3.fr
Maxime GUILBAUD (Subatech) guilbaud@subatech.in2p3.fr
Cyrille MARQUET (CPHT) cyrille.marquet@polytechnique.edu
Carlos MUNOZ CAMACHO (IJCLab) munoz@ijclab.in2p3.fr
Michael WINN (DPhN/CEA) michael.winn@cern.ch
Tanja PIERRET (Subatech) pierret@subatech.in2p3.fr
Isabelle OLLITRAULT (Subatech) ollitrau@subatech.in2p3.fr

This school is supported by Strong2020 and covers numerous JR and NA of the project. Strong2020 has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824093.

GDR QCD: https://gdrqcd.in2p3.fr

4, rue Alfred Kastler - La Chantrerie 44307 Nantes - FRANCE How to come : http://www-subatech.in2p3.fr/en/access
Go to map

Inscription deadline: 27th of May 2022

Application for this event is currently open.