School Venue
The School will take place on the Marseille - Luminy Campus (see Campus map).
The sessions will be held in amphitheaters at two locations on Campus:
- CPPM (Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille)
- HEXAGONE (Hexagon-shaped University Library building - Bibliothèque Universitaire de la Faculté des Sciences)
You can also find them on the general map of the area here
Postal address
Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille
163, avenue de Luminy - Case 902 - 13288 Marseille cedex 09
Front view of the CPPM building
View of the Hexagone building
Coming by car
GPS coordinates: 43° 13’ 51" N, 5° 26’ 28" E
Latitude: 43.230833, longitude: 5.441111
Coming by public transport
Coming from Saint Charles train station:
- Metro 2 to Rond-point du Prado station
- and bus B1 or bus 21Jet or bus 921(at night time) to Luminy Faculté station
Public transport at Marseille: RTM