The conference fee can be paid before May 17 by credit card, or for CNRS labs only by “bon de commande". In return, as a confirmation you will receive an invoice by mail. Your name will appear on the list of registered participants with some delay. The rates for the conference fee are
Registration for the conference and Ignatios’ fest:
standard rate 350€ (with a reduced rate of 150€ for PhD students)
The fee includes three lunches (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday), coffee breaks, a reception on Monday and conference dinner on Thursday
Registration to Ignatios’ fest only (June 3rd):
standard rate 105€
The fee includes the conference dinner on Thursday and the coffee breaks on Friday
To pay the fees, go to
You will have to register again. You will receive an email (not automatic) once the registration is validated by us, and you will be given a link to pay the fees.