25–29 avr. 2022
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
The schedule, talk titles, and slides of the talks are available under "Timetable/detailed view”.

Averaging over approximate CFTs

29 avr. 2022, 11:15
Amphithéâtre Mérieux (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon)

Amphithéâtre Mérieux

Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon

Campus Jacques Monod
Contributed talks Contributed talks


Alexandre Belin (CERN)


The eigenstate thermalization hypothesis is one of the most universal features of chaotic quantum many-body systems, which claims that matrix elements of simple operators in high energy states has a universal structure which treats off-diagonal elements statistically. Along with the random-matrix like behaviour of energy eigenstates, it is one of the main smoking guns of quantum chaos. In this talk, I will introduce the OPE randomness hypothesis: a conjecture for the statistical distribution of OPE coefficients in chaotic conformal field theories. This hypothesis generalizes the ETH ansatz and treats OPE coefficients statistically, with a distribution given to leading order by a Gaussian distribution, with corrections exponentially suppressed in the entropy. I will give evidence for this conjecture, based on asymptotic formulas for OPE coefficients that can be derived thanks to crossing symmetry and for 2d CFTs, modular invariance. I will discuss the gravitational counterparts of these results and underline the importance of Euclidean wormholes.

Type of contribution Contributed Talk only

Auteur principal

Alexandre Belin (CERN)

Documents de présentation