May 11, 2021
Europe/Paris timezone

The nu-Ball2 scientific workshop is an online event aimed at discussing potential experimental proposal ideas for the upcoming nu-Ball2 experimental campaign at the ALTO facility of IJC Lab, Orsay.

The nu-Ball2 campaign will run from march 2022 until march 2023 at ALTO and will consist of three different geometries with approximate efficiencies at 1 MeV given:

- nu-Ball2 Germanium only (Ge 6.5%) - First half of 2022
- nu-Ball2 clovers/FATIMA (Ge 4.5%, LaBr3 2%) - First half of 2022
- nu-Ball2 clovers/PARIS (Ge 4.5%, phoswich 14%) - From september 2022

In addition the following couplings will also be possible:

- The OUPS (Orsay Universal Plunger System) plunger - J. Ljungvall
- The OPSA (Orsay Particle Scintillator Array) charged particle detectors - G. Georgiev
- The CORSET fission fragments detection system - I. Matea/E. Kozulin
- The LICORNE directional neutron source - J.N. Wilson/M. Lebois
- The Warsaw HIL DSSD - J.N. Wilson/P. Napiorkowski
- Ionisation Chamber(s) with spontaneous fission sources - M. Lebois/S. Oberstedt

The workshop goal will be to develop proposals with the most promising, high-quality physics cases for submission to the ALTO PAC.


Registration for this event is currently open.