The ESCAPE project cordially invites researchers, technicians and librarians active in publishing astronomical data to its European Data Providers' Forum. As its predecessors, it will offer an opportunity to identify common challenges and problems in the dissemination of astronomical data, in particular using Virtual Observatory standards, to exchange solutions, and to share perspectives. The Forum will also be accompanied by hands-on workshops on common publication tools (DaCHS, VOLLT, MOCserver, and more).
ESCAPE is part of the European Union's Horizon 2020 program to establish a single collaborative cluster of next generation ESFRI facilities in the area of astronomy- and accelerator-based particle physics in order to implement a functional link between the projects and European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Hence, the exchange among data providers at all scales at the EDP is of great importance for the ESCAPE project.
The EDP Forum will be held online in and zoom. The links will be disseminated to the registered participants.
Top level info for WP4 is maintained on the Wiki pages:
ESCAPE project: