Technical Coordination Meeting


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Topic: ESCAPE Technical Coordination

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Minutes of TC 

3rd March 2021


  • Ian gave a summary of EOSC-Future technical aspects - see presentation attached to the agenda


  • Round table of RI’s

    • CTA - Matthias

      • Active participation in many WPs

      • Would like to see a common goal on bringing activities together across the project - though bringing use cases and integration across the various WP’s.  What are concrete objectives?

      • Ian: We should publish more widely the TSP context and objectives, and make open the mailing lists.  To discuss at the upcoming E-EB.

    • ESO - Martino

      • Have published several papers, also now expanding work to include ALMA, intend to deliver a prototype soon - work is progressing well.

      • What is less clear is the evolution to EOSC-Future, the EOSC Association, and the role of the clusters given the limited lifetime of the cluster projects

      • Ian: Commented that the clusters work together with the intention of a longer time cluster structure.  There is a draft position paper.  Ian will make this available to the group once it is further advanced.

    • FAIR - Mohammad

      • Active in 3 WPs (WP2,3,5), work is in good shape.

      • In Germany they intend to integrate the work in ESCAPE with the Helmholtz programme on Matter (national program for HEP, and NP, etc.)

      • Mohammed provided a written report attached to the agenda

    • HL-LHC - Daniele

      • Experiments are active in the ESCAPE WPs and there is good synergy between ESCAPE and the needs of the experiments

    • KM3Net - Jutta

      • Actively putting data into the Data Lake, contributions to WP3, 4 at a low level.

      • In WP5 they are trying to identify a good use case

      • From WP3 point of view: WP3 has a lot of specific use cases below the TSP’s that could be important.

    • SKA - Rosie (also see report attached to agenda)

      • SKA are making a lot of progress, working through the use of credentials for access to infrastructure

      • More people will soon be involved in prototyping Rucio etc as a potential tool for SKA Regional Centre network (not selected yet).

      • Also interest in the analysis platform, in particular Jupyter integration 

        • Comment that need to discuss more with WP5 how to address this

      • Also reported that good progress implementing HIPS standards from IVOA, working well for SKA, generated a lot of interest.

    • WP4 - Mark

      • WP4 has now really moved into the 2nd part of the project, they are seeing a lot more interfaces into the rest of ESCAPE, as well as more widely.


  • AOB:

    • Next meeting - 17 March, 10:00; agree to keep a 2 week cycle for the moment, and keep the meetings to max. 1 hour.



  • Ian: We should publish more widely the TSP context and objectives, and make open the mailing lists.  To discuss at the upcoming E-EB.

  • Ian: Commented that the clusters work together with the intention of a sustainable cluster structure following the end of ESCAPE etc.  There is a draft position paper.  Ian will make this available to the group once it is further advanced.  Several comments that enough lead time to be able to react to this is needed.

  • Next meeting - broader discussion of the use of Use-Cases as well as the TSP’s to drive progress and WP integration for the RI’s

Il y a un compte-rendu associé à cet événement. Les afficher.
    • 10:00 10:05
      Introduction 5m
      Orateur: Ian Bird (LAPP)
    • 10:05 10:45
      ESFRI participation in EOSC-Future 40m

      EOSC-Future is a first implementation of EOSC. ESCAPE and other science clusters should have influence through the TSP's, but also must ensure that all of our RI's can test and give feedback on the implementation. Which of the ESCAPE ESFRIs/RIs intend to participate in the EOSC-Future work, and at what level? This is a first discussion on this topic.

      Orateur: Ian Bird (LAPP)
      • Brief overview of EOSC-Future technical roadmap 10m
        Orateur: Ian Bird (LAPP)
      • Plans of ESFRIs and RIs 30m
    • 10:45 11:25
      Round Table 40m

      Progress from each ESFRI/RI towards the objectives of ESCAPE

      This is requested to be summarised at coming E-EB, so would like brief update from each RI (1 paragraph, or 1-2 slides).

      • CTA 2m
        Orateur: Dr Matthias Fuessling (CTAO gGmbH)
      • EGO 2m
        Orateur: Antonella Bozzi
      • ESO 2m
        Orateur: Martino Romaniello
        • On the ESCAPE work itself, ESO’s participation is very focused on Task 4.3. Here we’re progressing as planned. We had a paper out last year on Deep Learning applied to astronomical spectra ( and we are currently working on another one. We are expanding the analysis to more data types, both ESO’s La Silla Paranal Observatory and ALMA, with also an experimental attempt to eternal data altogether. The main deliverable is a prototype user service, for which we have an initial working prototype.
        • What is less clear to me is the future evolution towards EOSC-Future. In this respect, I think that focusing our next meeting on the science cases is very useful. Also, I’m looking forward to the position paper that the coordinators of the current Clusters are working on. I understand that it’s in a very embryonic state, and a early discussions on it would be very welcome (and, in fact, necessary).
        • Following up on what Rosie mentioned, I would also welcome some more interaction with WP5. I don’t know that I have a specific concern here, other than understanding better where they are moving towards (
      • EST 2m
        Orateur: Nazaret Bello Gonzalez
      • FAIR 2m
        Orateur: Mohammad Al-Turany (CERN)
      • HL-LHC 2m
        Orateurs: Daniele Spiga (infn), Daniele Spiga
      • JIVE 2m
        Orateur: harro verkouter (Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC)
      • KM3Net 2m
        Orateurs: Jutta Schnabel (FAU Erlangen (ECAP)), MAURO TAIUTI (University of Genoa and INFN)

        For integration with WP2, a test data set of one week of neutrino data from the current construction phase of KM3NeT are planned to be integrated to the data lake. This data set will also serve as reference data set for further discussions of common data usage in WP3, where KM3NeT is involved in both the developments for an innovative workflow expert group and the development of common data formats with CTA. The use of neutrino data and provenance in KM3NeT is planned to be addressed in a contribution to the WP4 tech forum. The basic use, ie. access of this data set through the ESAP plattform, is the use case that is planned for integration in WP5. The KM3NeT software is currently entered to the onboarding process in WP3. Lastly, the first implementation of shared Corsika containers using Dirac as part of common atmospheric shower simulations with CTA has been set up and will be used to further integrate with the ESAP platform (WP3).

      • SKA 2m
        Orateur: Rosie Bolton (Square Kilometre Array Organisation)

        SKA has been very actively involved across ESCAPE work packages. We have led the development of the deliverable assessing the pilot Data Lake (D2.2), and been heavily involved in the coordination of testing activities and the 2nd WP2 workshop in the lead-up to D2.2 (alongside ESCAPE WP2 colleagues from across the consortium).

        Our WP5 work has focussed on the technologies underlying the individual services that make up the ESAP - in particular the SKA team has been gaining experience with deployable computing and running test instances of notebook-based platform technologies. We used this approach to develop an example workflow, using machine-learning techniques to classify sources within a simulated SKA radio image. Our workflow packaged to enable re-use and has been made available in the WP3 (OSSR) repository - to aid which we have given multiple talks to ESCAPE partners as part of the on-boarding process. The data that our example workflow runs on is stored in the WP2 Data Lake. Additionally have re-processsed this simulated SKA data to put it into IVOA-compatible format (Hips) and we continue to push forward to make this publicly available - the combination of technologies within the different ESCAPE work packages is vey interesting for SKA, though a challenge to combine all in a single workflow at present.

        Going forward we intend to participate in the assessment of the ESAP and its components.

        SKA's context for the work we do in ESCAPE is both as part of SKA's main software development effort (for in-Observatory software) and as part of the global effort to develop SKA's Regional Centres, where users will interact with their data - so we are well aligned with the goals of ESCAPE but also have broader global audiences for our work.


    • 11:25 11:30
      AOB, & next meeting 5m

      Next meeting 17th March 2021