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3rd March 2021
Ian gave a summary of EOSC-Future technical aspects - see presentation attached to the agenda
Round table of RI’s
CTA - Matthias
Active participation in many WPs
Would like to see a common goal on bringing activities together across the project - though bringing use cases and integration across the various WP’s. What are concrete objectives?
Ian: We should publish more widely the TSP context and objectives, and make open the mailing lists. To discuss at the upcoming E-EB.
ESO - Martino
Have published several papers, also now expanding work to include ALMA, intend to deliver a prototype soon - work is progressing well.
What is less clear is the evolution to EOSC-Future, the EOSC Association, and the role of the clusters given the limited lifetime of the cluster projects
Ian: Commented that the clusters work together with the intention of a longer time cluster structure. There is a draft position paper. Ian will make this available to the group once it is further advanced.
FAIR - Mohammad
Active in 3 WPs (WP2,3,5), work is in good shape.
In Germany they intend to integrate the work in ESCAPE with the Helmholtz programme on Matter (national program for HEP, and NP, etc.)
Mohammed provided a written report attached to the agenda
HL-LHC - Daniele
Experiments are active in the ESCAPE WPs and there is good synergy between ESCAPE and the needs of the experiments
KM3Net - Jutta
Actively putting data into the Data Lake, contributions to WP3, 4 at a low level.
In WP5 they are trying to identify a good use case
From WP3 point of view: WP3 has a lot of specific use cases below the TSP’s that could be important.
SKA - Rosie (also see report attached to agenda)
SKA are making a lot of progress, working through the use of credentials for access to infrastructure
More people will soon be involved in prototyping Rucio etc as a potential tool for SKA Regional Centre network (not selected yet).
Also interest in the analysis platform, in particular Jupyter integration
Comment that need to discuss more with WP5 how to address this
Also reported that good progress implementing HIPS standards from IVOA, working well for SKA, generated a lot of interest.
WP4 - Mark
WP4 has now really moved into the 2nd part of the project, they are seeing a lot more interfaces into the rest of ESCAPE, as well as more widely.
Next meeting - 17 March, 10:00; agree to keep a 2 week cycle for the moment, and keep the meetings to max. 1 hour.
Ian: We should publish more widely the TSP context and objectives, and make open the mailing lists. To discuss at the upcoming E-EB.
Ian: Commented that the clusters work together with the intention of a sustainable cluster structure following the end of ESCAPE etc. There is a draft position paper. Ian will make this available to the group once it is further advanced. Several comments that enough lead time to be able to react to this is needed.
Next meeting - broader discussion of the use of Use-Cases as well as the TSP’s to drive progress and WP integration for the RI’s