9–10 nov. 2020
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Laura Iacconi: Small-Scale Tests of Inflation

10 nov. 2020, 12:00



The detection and characterisation of primordial gravitational waves produced during inflation can be an excellent test for the particle content of the very early universe. We consider an inflationary realisation whose tensor spectrum is sourced already at linear order, with a sufficient production of primordial gravitational waves to make the signal detectable at interferometer scales. We then focus on the tensor non-Gaussianities that ensue from the same configuration. On small-scales, anisotropies induced in the tensor power spectrum by long-short modes coupling become the key handle on (squeezed) primordial non-Gaussianities. We identify the parameter space generating percent level anisotropies at scales soon to be probed by SKA and LISA.

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