7–8 sept. 2020
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Provenance information helps to explore the traceability of products, find contact information and acknowledge people. Providing provenance information allows a user to assess the quality and reliability of the products. If the stored information is sufficiently fine grained, it is possible to enable the reproducibility of an activity or sequence of activities.

Recently the IVOA released a standard to structure provenance metadata and several implementations are in development in order to capture, store, access and visualize the provenance of astronomy data products. This meeting will focus on technical solutions with presentations, demonstrations, hands-on sessions and discussions. The objective is also to collect the requirements of ESFRI projects in order to build the road map of future developments.

The IVOA Provenance data model can be found here:

This workshop was accessible online through the Zoom visioconference system.

Organizing committee:
Mathieu Servillat
Catherine Boisson
François Bonnarel
Mireille Louys
Michèle Sanguillon


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