The high-frequency (> 20 GHz), bright flux density (> 200 mJy) extragalactic radio sources (ERSs) population is dominated by blazars. Multi-frequency (and multi-epoch) polarimetry is invaluable to study magnetic fields and plasma in the inner and unresolved regions of their relativistic jets. Moreover, as ERSs constitute an important foreground for CMB, such studies are also crucial for Cosmology, e.g. in the search for primordial B-modes associated to inflation in the Early Universe. In this talk I will focus on radio-interferometric observations performed with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) and the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA), and their associated data products (from calibrated visibilities and radio maps to more advanced products resulting from analysis, e.g. catalogues and source counts). I will also briefly address those ancillary products which may be relevant for quality assessment, reproducibility or data reprocessing. Then, I will summarize provenance requirements from similar projects and present how we already performed the capture, storage and distribution of provenance information.