23–28 juil. 2020
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

General Information

Dear colleagues,

thanks a lot for participating to our Workshop on Open-Source Software Lifecycles. 

Just under a week before it will start, let us provide you with general informations to organise the workshop as effectively as possible.

As a guiding rule: please don't hesitate to contact us on any question or request.


The workshop will be on 23rd, 24th, 27t and 28th of July, mornings (CEST) between (8) 9 and 12.3h and managed via the indico system at https://indico.in2p3.fr/e/wossl .

Video Conference:

We will use Zoom as video conference solution, the meeting link is https://fau.zoom.us/j/92142605646. You can already test the link and presentation functions, it is open.

Please note that we want to record the workshop and make the recording available to make the outcome sustainable, you should have already given your consent at registration, but you can change that consent at any time. If you do not consent, we will cut your contributions out of the video before publishing them.

Instruction to Presenters:

Please do a last check the timetable at the meeting page for your presentation slot, due to some constraints we had to re-shuffle and hope to still comply with all your request.

We ask you to upload your presentation beforehand and to share your screen for presenting (you can already test that). If that does not work, we are happy to step in and help presenting.