ANTARES and Baikal-GVD are both Cherenkov neutrino telescopes located in
the Northern Hemisphere. As a consequence, their fields of view overlap allowing
for a combined study of the sky. Since December of 2018, Baikal followed up
a total of 25 ANTARES alerts, and while no prompt coincidence was found, a
cascade mode search showed some events falling within an angular distance of
less than 5° for three of these alerts. The 4.5° angular resolution of Baikal-GVD
allows for the possibility of these events to be spatially correlated, which makes them of special interest, and therefore, a dedicated analysis was performed to check the possible correlation between ANTARES and Baikal-GVD events.
In this poster we present the final results on the analysis after
the addition of the latest ANTARES shower dataset, and the optimization
of the search method with a novel Machine Learning Algorithm for
background rejection.
Related session | Searching for neutrinos |