We set-up a Virtual Machine to be used intensively in Les Houches.
This Virtual Machine contains all the software and all the data to be used by the different hans-on sessions.
All participants must download it on their own computer and at least open it BEFORE coming to Les Houches.
The Virtual Machine is available at this address (Link to the VM) (have a good connection since it is a 25Go file). Take into account that once opened it is something like 50Go on your HardDrive, you thus need to have some space on it.
To use the VirtualMachine, you need to install VirtualBox (https://www.virtualbox.org/). In principle the installation is straightforward, but in case you need to install it on Windows 10 Enterprise, we wrote a specific document to help you (PDF).
When the VirtualBox software is installed you have to import the virtual machine (something like File > import). Choose the .OVA (open virtualisation archive) file that you downloaded.
Next step you can adjust the parameters of the virtual machine (check that the RAM is compatible with your physical machine) and set the path where the virtual hard drive will be extracted (~50 Go).
Then click on import and wait for the process to complete (it extracts the virtual hard drive of the machine from the .OVA archive file ~50Go).
Once done, you can remove the .OVA file and try to start the machine.
Once the whole process complete, open the README file, it contains some informations (in particular for the keyboard of french macbook, the root password, etc...).
Be aware that default keyboard is french "azerty". You can change that by looking on ubuntu configuration for your specific keyboard. For example, Macbook pro with french keyboard need to follow a recipe to have the correct keyboard : Link.
Now you're ready to come to Les Houches !
Nicolas and Cyril
PS : in case you have some problem, please contact us : nicolas.dagoneau (at) cea.fr and cyril.lachaud (at) in2p3.fr.