4–6 nov. 2019
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
Le thême 'nicecompact' n'existe pas.

This year the GDR-InF annual workshop will take place at the Éthic étapes Le CART in Sommières. For pictures of the beautiful town of Sommières please see here. Getting to and from the workshop should be relatively easy with trains to Nîmes and either a shuttle from Nîmes to Sommières provided by the GDR (details to follow) or by public bus.

In this workshop we will gather together to discuss our current research activities and plan the future ones within the GDR-InF. 

Topics will be:

1) highlights of the most recent results from the intensity frontier;

2) presentations of the ongoing work of students and postdocs;

3) proposal of projects and new collaborations within the GDR-InF;

4) discussion of future perspectives for the Intensity Frontier

Organizing committee: Yasmine Amhis, Carla Benito, Aoife Bharucha, Giulio Dujany, Mark Goodsell, Diego Guadagnoli, Emi Kou, Jean-Francois Marchand, Stephane Monteil, Francesco Polci, Stephanie Roccia, Justine Serrano, Christopher Smith, Peter Stangl, Ana Teixeira, Michael Winn


                                                             (Photo thanks to OT Pays de Sommières)




Commence le
Finit le
Éthic étapes Le CART 31 Rue Emilien Dumas, 30250 Sommières 04 66 80 03 02 http://lecart.net/ https://goo.gl/maps/HNeKKbE8hsAA2A2H7

Vidyo connection for plenary session and b->s tau tau parallel session: https://vidyoportal.cern.ch/join/WInP3mRndvQX

L'inscription à cet événement est actuellement ouverte.