24–30 nov. 2019
Centre Moulin Mer
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Search for new phenomena in low-mass diphoton final states with proton--proton collisions collected at s=√13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

29 nov. 2019, 11:00
Centre Moulin Mer

Centre Moulin Mer

Route du centre nautique, 29460 Logonna-Daoulas www.moulin-mer.fr/ https://goo.gl/maps/zfearb173UxabXPFA (English) The centre is located at about 30 minutes drive from Brest. We will provide transport from Brest airport and train station to the centre Moulin Mer. The shuttle will leave the airport at 18h30 and the station at 19h on the 24th November and arrive at the airport at 8h and the station at 8h30 on the 30th November. (Français) Le centre est situé pas loin de la ville de Brest. Il y aura une navette entre l'aéroport/la gare et le centre Moulin Mer. La navette partira de l'aéroport à 18h30 et de la gare à 19h le 24 novembre et arrivera à l'aéroport à 8h et à la gare vers 8h30 le 30 novembre.




The Higgs boson discovery by ATLAS and CMS collaborations relied mainly on resonance searches in two different channels, one of them being the diphoton channel. Since then, both experiments have extended the resonance search range towards lower and higher diphoton invariant masses up to limits driven by experimental limitations.

This talk focuses on a novel diphoton resonance search in the invariant mass range below 60 GeV using all Run2 data from pp collisions collected with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Some perspectives on future analyses in the same mass region will be discussed.

Auteur principal


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