24–30 nov. 2019
Centre Moulin Mer
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

The hunt for VHE gamma-rays in the Gravitational Waves era.

26 nov. 2019, 12:00
Centre Moulin Mer

Centre Moulin Mer

Route du centre nautique, 29460 Logonna-Daoulas www.moulin-mer.fr/ https://goo.gl/maps/zfearb173UxabXPFA (English) The centre is located at about 30 minutes drive from Brest. We will provide transport from Brest airport and train station to the centre Moulin Mer. The shuttle will leave the airport at 18h30 and the station at 19h on the 24th November and arrive at the airport at 8h and the station at 8h30 on the 30th November. (Français) Le centre est situé pas loin de la ville de Brest. Il y aura une navette entre l'aéroport/la gare et le centre Moulin Mer. La navette partira de l'aéroport à 18h30 et de la gare à 19h le 24 novembre et arrivera à l'aéroport à 8h et à la gare vers 8h30 le 30 novembre.


Halim Ashkar (CEA-Irfu)


In multi-messenger astrophysics, we combine different astronomical messengers in order to study different aspects of an object or a process in the Universe. Nowadays, four astronomical messengers exist: electromagnetic waves, cosmic rays, neutrinos and Gravitational Waves (GW). The first direct discovery of GW emitted from the inward spiral of two black holes in 2015 took multi-messenger astrophysics to the next level, adding direct detection of GW to the list of messengers coming from the sky. Almost two years later, the first detection of GW from a binary neutron star merger alongside electromagnetic counterparts in several bands started a new era in multi-messenger astrophysics triggering worldwide search programs for GW counterparts. Very High Energy (VHE) gamma-rays covers the highest band in the electromagnetic spectrum and provides valuable information for the characterization of astrophysical phenomena. This is why the search for VHE gamma-ray from GW events is in the heart of these search campaigns. In this contribution I report on GW follow-up program with the H.E.S.S. Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes and its outcome until now.

Auteur principal

Halim Ashkar (CEA-Irfu)

Documents de présentation