7–9 sept. 2009
Hotel du Midi (Palavas-les-Flots/Carnon, France)
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Programme Scientifique

PRELIMINARY PROGRAM (review talks/confirmed/TBC speakers): Results by the MAGIC collaboration and CTA (D.Bastieri, Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Padova, Italy) CO observations and masers (A.Fiasson - LAPTH Annecy)- X-ray observations of SNR/molecular clouds interactions (M. Miceli- Osservatorio di Palermo- Italy)- Sources of galactic cosmic-rays (A.Marcowith - LPTA)- Massive star clusters (T.Montmerle - LAOG) - Cosmic ray propagation into the interstellar medium and High energy radiation of irradiated molecular clouds (S. Gabici- DIAS- Ireland)- Irradiation of molecular clouds by low energy cosmic-rays (D. Galli- Arcetri osservatorio Italy)- Observations of magnetic fields and density distribution in the interstellar medium (K. Ferrière- Observatoire Midi-Pyrénnées- France)- Simulations of interstellar phases and turbulence (P.Hennebelle-ENS Paris-France)-