Amos Breskin
(Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel)
04/05/2010 15:40
Photon detection for Cherenkov counters
Oral presentation
In view of their potential application in RICH, we report on the operation properties of single- and cascade-THGEM UV-photon detectors with reflective CsI photocathodes, under simultaneous irradiation of UV and X- or -rays.
Our studies were carried out in neon/CH4 and Ne/CF4 mixtures, in which conditions were previously found for high photon detection efficiencies – similar to that in...
(Tokyo Metropolitan University)
04/05/2010 16:10
Photon detection for Cherenkov counters
Oral presentation
In the last few years, considerable effort has been devoted to the development of gaseous photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) with micro-pattern gas detectors (MPGD) which are sensitive to visible light. The potential advantage of such a gaseous PMT is that it can achieve a very large effective area with moderate position and timing resolutions. Besides it can be easily operated under a very high...
Vladimir Peskov
(CERN, Geneva (Switzerland) and UNAM Mexico)
05/05/2010 09:00
Photon detection for Cherenkov counters
Oral presentation
R&D on CsI-TGEM based photodetector
V. Peskov for the ALICE collaboration
The Very High Momentum PID (VHMPID) detector proposed for the ALICE upgrade is a focusing RICH using C4F10 gaseous radiator. For the detection of Cherenkov photons, one of the options currently under investigation is to use a CsI coated Triple-Thick-GEM (CsI-TTGEM). Extensive laboratory studies have been carried...
Stefano Levorato
(INFN sez. di Trieste)
05/05/2010 09:25
Photon detection for Cherenkov counters
Oral presentation
The novel and robust Thick GEM (THGEM) electron multiplier, coupled to a solid state photon converter, represents a promising option for covering, at affordable costs, large areas with photon detectors, in particular, in Cherenkov imaging counters where single photons
must be detected with high efficiency.
Multistage structures, where the first THGEM layer is coated with a photosensitive...