Peter Cooper
06/05/2010 11:45
Pattern recognition and data analysis
Oral presentation
The Selex experiment measured several billion charged hadron tracks with a high precision magnetic momentum spectrometer and high precision RICH velocity spectrometer. We have analyzed these data to simultaneously measure the masses of all the long lived charged hadrons and anti-hadrons from the pion to the Omega- using the same detectors and techniques. The statistical precision achievable...
Vladislav Matoušek
(Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences)
06/05/2010 12:10
Pattern recognition and data analysis
Oral presentation
With the advancement of position sensitive low energy photon detectors with high quantum efficiency a ring imaging Cherenkov detector (RICH) becomes employed in increasing number of experiments. Trajectories of the particles with the momentum above Cherenkov photon emission threshold are in the RICH photon detector represented by rings. However, these rings are far from being ideal....
Marko Staric
(Jozef Stefan Institute Slovenia)
06/05/2010 12:35
Pattern recognition and data analysis
Oral presentation
For the Belle II detector a time-of-propagation (TOP) counter is foreseen for
particle identification in the barrel region. In this counter particle identity
is determined from a complicated pattern in the time and position of Cherenkov
photon detection. We will present an extended likelihood method for particle
identification, which is based on an analytical construction of likelihood...
Ferenc Sikler
(KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics)
06/05/2010 17:30
Pattern recognition and data analysis
Oral presentation
Tracker detectors can be used to identify charged particles based on their
global chi value obtained during track fitting with the Kalman filter. The
proposed method is independent of the traditional way of identification using
deposited energy.
This approach builds upon the knowledge of detector material and local position
resolution, using the known physics of multiple scattering and...
Andrew Powell
(University of Oxford)
06/05/2010 17:55
Pattern recognition and data analysis
Oral presentation
Particle identification in the LHCb experiment is provided by two RICH detectors, covering a momentum range between 1 and 100 GeV/c. In order to maintain the integrity of the LHCb physics performance, it is essential to measure and monitor the particle identification efficiency and misidentification fraction over time. To achieve this, the unique kinematics associated with K-short, Lambda and...