2–7 mai 2010
Oustau Calendal Conference Center
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Photonis MCP-PMT as a Light Sensor in the Belle II Aerogel Radiator RICH

4 mai 2010, 10:15
Oustau Calendal Conference Center

Oustau Calendal Conference Center

Cassis, France


Prof. Peter Krizan (University of Ljubljana and J. Stefan Institute)


One of the candidates for the photon detector of the Belle II aerogel radiator RICH is the micro-channel plate photomultiplier tube (MCP-PMT). The MCP-PMT works very well in a high magnetic field of 1.5T. It shows a good performance to detect single photons with an excellent timing precision. In a 2GeV/c electron beam at KEK we have tested two tubes to investigate the photon yield and resolution. One of the two sensors had previously been exposed to an intense light flux resulting in an accumulated charge of 400mC/cm2 over a period of about two months. We will present the results of the measurements of the tubes as photon sensors of the RICH with aerogel radiator. Our tests of performance under an intense light flux and as a function of accumulated charge will be discussed. We will also present the timing performance of a common output signal from the last micro-channel plate.
Please indicate "poster" or "plenary" session. Final decision will be made by session coordinators. poster


Prof. Peter Krizan (University of Ljubljana and J. Stefan Institute) Prof. Samo Korpar (University of Maribor and J. Stefan Institute)


M. E. Kuroda (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Prof. H. Kawai (Chiba University) Dr Ichiro Adachi (KEK) Dr Koji Hara (Nagoya University) M. M. Imamura (Nagoya University) M. M. Tabata (Chiba University) M. Rok Dolenec (J. Stefan Institute) Dr Rok Pestotnik (J. Stefan Institute) M. Ruben Verheyden (J. Stefan Institute) M. S. Iwata (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Dr S. Nishida (KEK) Dr S. Ogawa (Toho University) M. S. Shiizuka (Nagoya University) Dr S. Tagai (Toho University) M. T. Kumita (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Prof. T. Sumiyoshi (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Prof. Toru Iijima (Nagoya University)

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