Ross Young
(Edinburgh University)
Over the last two years the LHCb experiment has commissioned over 500
Hybrid Photon Detectors (HPD) in its RICH detectors. Here we will report
about results of the extensive monitoring programme for these novel
photon sensitive devices.
Recently the first Cherenkov photons produced by LHC beam particles were
reconstructed. Data have been taken under a variety of different run
conditions. HPDs have been regularly tested with and without external
light sources. Dark runs facilitate identifying noisy pixels.
Continuous-wave laser sources provide constant
illumination on the photodetectors, and are used primarily for
ion-feedback and image position measurements.
Tests of the vacuum quality are regularly performed:
most HPDs retain an excellent vacuum quality. However few show a linear
increase in ion feedback over time - evidence of an intrinsic increase in
residual gas concentration.
Overall these data show an excellent performance of the HPDs with low
dark count and noise rates.
First results from data with LHC beams including detector occupancies
and photon yield will also be reported.
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Auteur principal
Ross Young
(Edinburgh University)