2–7 mai 2010
Oustau Calendal Conference Center
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

The VHMPID RICH upgrade project for ALICE at LHC

7 mai 2010, 09:20
Oustau Calendal Conference Center

Oustau Calendal Conference Center

Cassis, France
Oral presentation Research & Development for future experiments Research and Development for future detectors


Dr Antonello Di Mauro (CERN)


The VHMPID RICH upgrade project for ALICE at LHC A. Di Mauro for the ALICE Collaboration RHIC results have shown the importance of high momentum particles as hard probes and the need for particle identification in a very large momentum range, in particular for protons. The ALICE detector has a unique capability to identify a wide variety of particles; however its momentum coverage for track-by-track identification should be extended to meet new physics challenges at LHC. The proposed Very High Momentum PID (VHMPID) detector is a focusing RICH with C4F10 gaseous radiator coupled to CsI-based photon detector, allowing track-by-track proton identification in the momentum range 12–30 GeV/c. The detector layout, the expected performance and trigger options will be discussed. Results from preliminary beam tests of a prototype of 60x40 cm2 equipped with CsI photocathode and MWPC will also be presented.
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