Dmitry Finogeev
An important experimental direction of the study in physics of heavy ion collisions is the measurement of the yield of high-Pt particles. The main problem is to study the dominant mechanism of parton energy loss in compressed nuclear matter. “Jet quenching effect” by RHIC STAR and PHENIX Collaborations gives the indication that there is a different loss of energy by quarks and gluons in a nuclear matter. Data show the effect of suppression of high-Pt particles up to a momentum ≥ 10 GeV/c.
In order to extend the momentum interval of the identification of charged particles up to 10 GeV/c for pion-kaon separation and to 14 GeV/c for kaon-proton separation the focusing aerogel RICH (FARICH) detector (as the ALICE HMPID-system upgrade at CERN LHC) employing a multi-layer silica aerogel radiator has been proposed.
The GEANT4 simulation package was used to estimate the performance of the FARICH detector. Results of the optimization of characteristics of the multilayer aerogel radiators, MRS APDs with and without Wave Length Shifter paint are discussed.
The description of the main constructional and functional parts of the FARICH Prototype is presented.
The Prototype consists of parts as followed: (1) light-isolating box, (2) thin carbon entrance window for beam particles, (3) radiator of the Cherenkov photons on the basis of 2- or 3-layer silica aerogel with gradually increasing indices, (4) light-collecting plane, (5) photo-sensitive coordinate matrix with MRS Avalanche Photodiodes (MRS APDs).
A new FARICH detector option on the basis of the TGEM detector in a photo-sensitive plane (in a wavelength range of 500-600 nm) is discussed.
FARICH preliminary test results obtained on test benches and CERN PS T10 channel are reported.
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