Thomas Krähenbühl
(ETH Zurich)
The maximization of the photon detection efficiency (PDE) is a key issue in the development of cameras for Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes (IACT). Geiger-mode Avalanche Photodiodes (G-APD) are a promising candidate to replace the commonly used photomultiplier tubes by offering a larger PDE and a facilitated handling. The FACT project (First G-APD Cherenkov Telescope) evaluates the feasibility of this change by building a camera based on 1440 G-APDs for an existing small telescope. As a first step towards a full camera, a prototype camera module using 144 G-APDs was successfully built and tested. The experiences gained from its operation, including the observation of air showers, are presented. A method to compensate the strong signal variations due to the temperature dependence of the G-APDs gain is described.
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Auteur principal
Thomas Krähenbühl
(ETH Zurich)