Mat Charles
(Universiy of Oxford)
A detector concept is described that has been developed as a possible
solution to the identification of low momentum hadrons in the proposed
upgrade of the LHCb spectrometer. The detector consists of a DIRC-style
quartz plate placed perpendicular to the beam axis, with photon
detectors arranged around the periphery of the plate (outside the
acceptance of the spectrometer). Cherenkov light produced by a charged
particle traversing the plate is trapped within it by total internal
reflection, and then focused onto the photodetectors. A combination of
the precise measurement of the arrival time of the photons, and their
position, should allow the time-of-flight of the particle to be
reconstructed with a precision of ~10 ps, sufficient to satisfy the
physics requirements. The expected performance from detailed
simulation, and R&D that is underway to realize this concept, will be
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Auteur principal
Mat Charles
(Universiy of Oxford)