Davide L. Perego
(Universita Milano-Bicocca and INFN)
In the LHCb detector at the Large Hadron Collider, powerful
charged particle identification is performed by Ring Imaging Cherenkov
(RICH) technology. In order to cover the full geometric acceptance and the
wide momentum range (1-100 GeV/c), two detectors with three Cherenkov
radiators have been designed and installed.
In the medium (10-40 GeV/c) and high (30-100 GeV/c) momentum range, gas radiators
are used (C4F10 and CF4 respectively). In the low momentum range (1 to a few GeV/c)
pion/kaon/proton separation will be done with photons produced in solid silica aerogel.
A set of 16 tiles, with the large transverse dimensions ever (20x20 cm^2) and nominal
refractive index 1.03 have been produced. The tiles have excellent optical properties and
homogeneity of refractive index within the tile of ~1%. The first data collected at LHC are used to
understand the behaviour of the RICH: preliminary results will be presented
and discussed on the performance of silica aerogel and of the gas radiators C4F10 and CF4.
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Auteur principal
Davide L. Perego
(Universita Milano-Bicocca and INFN)