- The CENBG laboratory is located at that address :
Centre d’Etudes Nucléaires de Bordeaux Gradignan
Chemin du Solarium
Le Haut Vigneau
BP 120
F-33175 GRADIGNAN Cedex
- The meeting will take place in Main Building, the castel, in the seminary room.
- From Bordeaux Downtown, the easiest way to arrive in public transportation (40min from downtown) is to :
- take the tram B, in direction of "France Alouette" and stop at the "Peixotto"
- change for bus line 21, direction "stade d'Ornon", and stop at "St Albe"
- then walk for 250m to arrive at the CENBG laboratory
- You can also arrive at the lab by other way and you'll find information at that link