28 novembre 2016 à 2 décembre 2016
Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
The Juno Software workshop will take place at LLR (Palaiseau), close to Paris, France. It will last one week from Nov. 28th 2016 to Dec. 2nd 2016. Thursday afternoon will be a free half day, except for people attending the PDR sub-meeting. A social dinner is forseen on Thursday night in the center of Paris. During the workshop we plan to have Tutorial and Practice sessions, as well as dedicated talks. The tutorials are particularly intended for new collaborators and young students. Due to the restricted room availability, the attendance will be limited to 40 people.
Commence le
Finit le
Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet
salle de conference LMS
Ecole polytechnique, 91 128 Palaiseau Cedex – France

You can reach the LLR laboratory easily from Paris, by taking RER B up to Massy-Palaiseau and then a bus (91.06B or 91.06C) up to Polytechnique Lozère bus station. From the center of Paris this will take about 45 minutes up to Massy-Palaiseau + 10minutes by bus + 5minutes by foot.

Otherwise, the most athletic among you can take the RER B up to Lozère stop and then climb the stairs up to the Ecole Polytechnique (here a nice video showing the way https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoeTfrHLrxw). In this case you should considere ~45minutes from the center of Paris up to Lozère + 20 minutes by foot.

Here some more informations about how to reach LLR and Ecole Polytechnique



You can find some detailed maps above (click on "Posters" button).


For the accommodation, you have three possibilities:

1. either book an hotel in Paris, close to any RER B stops (and then reach the LLR by RER B + bus/stairs)

2. or book an hotel directly in Massy, close to the TGV train station (and then reach the lab directly by bus or by RER B + stairs)

3. book an hotel in Orsay or Palaiseau (and then reach the lab, by RER B + stairs) Second option is the most comfortable (but not necessary the cheapest).


Here you can find a list of hotel close to the Ecole Polytechnique



And here a list of hotel close to Massy TGV station:







The social diner will be on December 1st 2016, at restaurant "Nos ancêtres les Gaulois". Look at the map below :

39 Rue Saint-Louis en l'Île, 75004 Paris