LAPP Hgg meeting

    • 11:15 11:35
      To do list 20m
      Orateur: M. Thibault Guillemin (LAPP)

      Goal: investigate the large excess observed in the EE category with the Exotics selection

      1) Summarize what we know so far about EE events (purity, jet-jet contribution, different mass shapes, DeltaEta VS mgg evolution, etc.)

      ==> Thibault (for Thursday high mass meeting)

      2) Check the CC/CU/UU fraction for EE events in the excess region and compare to sidebands and MC

      ==> Isabelle

      3) Look at the shower shapes of the grey photons for EE events (passing loose iso but failing tight iso) and compare to MC

      - Start inclusively (in pT) and look in pT bins (as statistics allows)

      - Consider also the conversion status

      ==> Alexis (+Nicolas)
      Isabelle: Fraction of grey photons versus eta (splitting in C/U in a 2nd step).

      4) Check in MC the tight ID rejection of jets at high pT in the EC

      - Use dijet MC sample

      - Consider also the conversion status

      ==> Not immediately, will see the outcome of 3) first.

      5) Read the crosschecks note (to not repeat studies already performed)

      ==> Thibault

    • 11:35 11:55
      EE report 20m
      Orateur: M. Thibault Guillemin (LAPP)
    • 11:55 12:15
      wstot 20m
      Orateur: Isabelle Wingerter-Seez (LAPP)
    • 12:15 12:35
      Kinematics 20m
      Orateur: M. Thibault Guillemin (LAPP)
    • 12:35 12:55
      Shower shapes 20m
      Orateur: M. Alexis VALLIER (LAPP)
      • Purity with by hand cuts 15m
    • 12:55 13:15
      grey/all vs eta 20m
      Orateur: Isabelle Wingerter-Seez (LAPP)
      • Grey vs conversion 15m