Alain Aspect
(Institut d'Optique, Palaiseau, France)
13/06/2016 14:30
Invited talk
In the early 1980's, observation of a magneto-resistance anomaly in metallic thin films was attributed to the phenomenon of weak localization of electrons and to time-reversal symmetry breaking due to a magnetic field acting upon charged particles.
We have observed weak localization of ultra-cold atoms in a 2D configuration, placed in a disordered potential created by a laser speckle. In...
Robin Kaiser
(CNRS and INLN, Nice)
13/06/2016 15:15
Invited talk
The quest for Anderson localization of light is at the center of many experimental and
theoretical activities. Cold atoms have emerged as interesting quantum system to study coherent transport
properties of light. Initial experiments have established that dilute samples with large
optical thickness allow studying weak localization of light.
The goal of our research is to study coherent...
David Reichman
(Columbia University)
14/06/2016 14:30
Invited talk
In this talk the transition of a quantum system from an ergodic to a non-ergodic state is discussed from several different perspectives. In the first part of the talk I discuss the formation of quantum glasses in liquids with no quenched disorder. It is shown that weak quantum fluctuations can enhance the loss of ergodicity. In the second part of the talk I discuss many-body localization...
Markus Muller
(Paul Scherr Institute and ICTP)
14/06/2016 15:15
Invited talk
I explore the possibility that translationally invariant quantum many body systems may undergo a transition to a localized phase where ergodicity and translational invariance break down spontaneously. This phenomenon could be regarded as an interaction-induced many-body localization on configurational (self-generated) disorder.
I will argue that such quantum glasses are indeed stable to...
David Pekker
(University of Pittsburgh)
15/06/2016 14:30
Invited talk
The conventional formulation of the renormalization group, which works by iteratively “integrating” out high energy degrees of freedom, is aimed at describing states near the top or bottom of a spectrum. Wegner’s flow equation is an alternative formulation that is aimed at describing the entire spectrum by iteratively decoupling degrees of freedom of the system that have large energy...
Jens Eisert
(Free University, Berlin)
15/06/2016 15:15
Invited talk
The phenomenon of many-body localisation received a lot of attention
recently, both for its implications in condensed-matter physics of
allowing systems to be an insulator even at non-zero temperature as
well as - maybe most importantly - in the context of the foundations
of quantum statistical mechanics, providing examples of systems
showing the absence of thermalisation following...
Fabien Alet
(CNRS and Universite' de Toulouse, LPT)
15/06/2016 16:00
Invited talk