Simone Warzel
(Technical University of Munich)
13/06/2016 12:15
Invited talk
In view of the woefully short list of rigorous results on disordered systems with interaction, limiting or integrable model systems present a testing ground for numerical works, conjectures and ideas. In the bosonic case, the limiting case of hard-core repulsive interaction is such an example: in the lattice set-up this amounts to studying the XY-spin Hamiltonian with a random magnetic field,...
Romain Vasseur
(University of California Berkeley)
14/06/2016 11:30
Invited talk
In this talk, I will describe some general constraints on the existence of many-body localized (MBL) phases in the presence of global symmetries. I will start by considering the example of the random-bond XXZ spin chain and argue using real space renormalization group techniques that interactions drive the system into a many-body localized spin glass phase with spontaneously broken...
Jens Bardarson
(MPI-PKS, Dresden)
14/06/2016 12:15
Invited talk
We show that the one-particle density matrix ρ can be used to characterize the interaction-driven many-body localization transition in closed fermionic systems. The natural orbitals (the eigenstates of ρ) are localized in the many-body localized phase and spread out when one enters the delocalized phase, while the occupation spectrum (the set of eigenvalues of ρ) reveals the distinctive...
Alberto Rosso
15/06/2016 11:30
Invited talk
A generic isolated quantum system has two possible fates at long times:
it thermalizes or it remains many-body localized close to its initial state. So far only few systems showing experimentally relevant consequences of many-body localization have been reported in cold atoms and in trapped ions. In this talk, we show that the phenomenon {\em is} relevant in quantum magnets, and we discuss...
Maksym Serbyn
(University of California Berkeley)
15/06/2016 12:15
Invited talk
Many body localization allows quantum systems to escape thermalization via emergence of extensive number of conserved quantities. I will demonstrate how the breakdown of local conserved quantities allows to probe the delocalization transition. Using statistics of matrix elements of local operators, I will define an analogue of many-body Thouless conductance which probes the response of the...