Dear participants,
Some of you may not have had the opportunity to come to CPT recently.
Here a few last minutes infos.
To reach Luminy, take bus number 21 heading for Luminy, either at the metro station
Castellane, or at the metro station Rond-Point du Prado (both are on the same metro line, line number2). At Rond-Point du Prado, the bus stop to Luminy is across the street.
At certain times line 921 JET is also awailable from Rond-Point du Prado. It is a faster
line (only two stops before Luminy). The 921 JET buses leave from the same side as the stairs that exit from the metro (take the exit immediately on your left when you
get off the metro. Timetables can be found at
The 21 and 921 JET lines end at Luminy. The buses stop at the entrance of the campus, as shown on the map at
CPT is located in the long building on the left of the central road. Access is restricted.
Since you won't have a badge, there are several options when you arrive in front of themain hall of the university, on the ground floor of this same building:
1) the first entrance to the building is a the door immediately to the right of the mainhall when facing the building.
2) I'll be in my office, so you can phone me (04 91 26 95 39) and I'll come down to
let you in.
3) you walk further up the same road until you reach the next entrance, where
the security staff is located, and you ask them to phone me.
In any case, my office is located on the 6th floor, number 621.
The meeting will take place on the 5th floor, room number 500.
The weather in Marseilles next week will be sunny, with temperatures rising above
20 degrees C, and with a light breeze from the sea. Night temperatures will be
around 13 - 15 degrees.
I have made a reservation for a restaurant on Wednesday evening. Those interested
in joining can either send me an email or sign in on Monday.
I hope you'll have a safe trip to Marseilles.
See you on Monday,