2nd Workshop on String Theory and Gender
Amphitheater Darboux
Intitut Henri Poincare
The purpose of this workshop is to raise awareness on the gender (in)equality issue in our field, as one of the main mandates of the COST Action 'The String Theory Universe'.
Two half days of the workshop will be devoted to gender issues, with talks by experts (scientists as well as representatives of research organisations) on the gender dimension in science, statistics on women participation at different career stages, reasons for the gender imbalance and possible actions to improve the situation. The other half days will be devoted to recent developments in String Theory, with overview talks on specific subjects that have been particularly active lately.
This workshop is the second of this kind (the first workshop on string theory and gender took place in Valencia in July 2015), and is framed within the String-Math trimester at Institut Henri Poincare.
Since no real change can be achieved without the complicity of all the people involved, we want to encourage men and women, junior and senior scientists, to participate in the workshop.
Gender issues:
-Loukas Balafoutas (Faculty of Economics and Statistics, University of Innsbruck)
-Geneviève Guinot (Diversity Office, CERN)
-Colette Guillopé (Mathematics, Paris Est University - Femmes et mathematiques)
-Annabelle Hamelin - Delphine Vidart-Dufort (Human resources, CEA/Saclay)
-Claudine Hermann (Physics, Ecole Polytechnique - European Platform of Women Scientists)
-Jan Louis (Physics Department, University of Hambourg)
-Rossella Palomba (Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies, Rome)
-Maria-Teresa Pontois (Mission pour la place des femmes, CNRS)
-Georgina Rippon (Cognitive Neuroimaging, Aston University)
-Alessandra Tonazzo (Astroparticle and Cosmology laboratory, University Paris 7)
String Theory overviews :
-Zohar Komargodsky (Weizmann Institute of Science)
-Marika Taylor (University of Southampton)
-Nick Warner (University of Southern California)
-Alberto Zaffaroni (University of Milano-Bicocca)
Local Organisers: Mariana Graña, Ruben Minasian (IPhT, CEA/Saclay), Michela Petrini (LPTHE, UPMC).
Scientific committee: Anna Ceresole, Jose Edelstein, Jerome Gauntlett, Maria Lledo, Yolanda Lozano, Carlos Nuñez, Silvia Penati.