12–19 mars 2016
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Combination of Run1 anomalies @ high mass and summary of Run2 observations

17 mars 2016, 11:25
Ordinary Experiment Beyond SM


Maurizio Pierini (CERN)


In this talk, a few examples of anomalies in the ATLAS & CMS Run I searches will be discussed, in connection with the corresponding preliminary results at 13 TeV. The agreement between the two experiments will be assessed, and the compatibility with the new results will be discussed. The talk will serve as an opportunity to stimulate a discussion on where the search for new physics at the LHC stands, in view of the 2016 Run and the perspective of integrating up to 15 times more data.

Auteur principal

Maurizio Pierini (CERN)

Documents de présentation