12–19 mars 2016
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Latest Oscillation Results from T2K

14 mars 2016, 09:30
Ordinary Experiment Neutrinos


Mlle Christine Nielsen (University of British Columbia)


The T2K long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment is composed of a near detector at 280m and a far detector at Super-Kamiokande, located 295 km from the neutrino beam source. The 30GeV proton beam at JPARC is used to produce $\sim~$1 GeV muon neutrinos which are detected in the Cherenkov detector at Super-Kamiokande for oscillation measurements, such as electron neutrino appearance and $\theta_{23}$ measurements from muon neutrino disappearance. By reversing the beam polarity antineutrino oscillations may also be studied. Combined measurements of neutrino and antineutrino oscillations constrain the CP-violating Dirac phase of the PMNS matrix. This talk will present the most recent oscillation results from T2K.

Auteur principal

Mlle Christine Nielsen (University of British Columbia)

Documents de présentation