Feb 9 – 11, 2015
LPNHE, Paris
Europe/Paris timezone
a Lagrange Institute Exploratory Workshop


This workshop aims at discussing the pertinence and the feasibility of a giant radio telescope dedicated to the detection of high energy cosmic neutrinos.

Our project, named GRAND (Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection), consists in its preliminary version, of an array of 90 000 radio antennas deployed over a total area of 60 000 km2. The array aims at detecting high energy neutrinos (E>10^16 eV) via the geo-synchrotron effects induced in air-showers of up-going tau-neutrinos. Two documents, one presenting the science case for GRAND, and the other giving more details about the proposed design of the telescope, are available here:

Science case for GRAND: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/10976/material/paper/1.pdf

GRAND design:  https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/10976/material/paper/0.pdf


In the workshop, we hope to gather international experts on high-energy phenomena, in order to discuss practical and technical aspects of the project (conception of the detection unit, definition of the pertinent data to register with the data acquisition system, array deployment…), to estimate the expected sensitivity of the telescope, and evaluate the impact of the results, and the synergies that could be envisaged with other fields. 

The GRAND workshop is organised at LPNHE, with support by the Lagrange Institute Paris, the Programme National Hautes Energies and the Region Ile-de-France.








LPNHE, Paris
LPNHE Tour 12-13 RdC 4 place Jussieu 75005 Paris
Admin staff: Veronique JOISIN (LPNHE), Laurence Marquet (LPNHE), Olivia Leroy (IAP, ILP)