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Filippo Sala
(IPhT CEA-Saclay)
16/01/2015 09:25
The search for signs of more scalars is a primary task of current and future experiments.
In particular, in the next-to-minimal supersymmetric Standard Model, the extra Higgs bosons could well be the lightest new particles around. I will outline a possible overall strategy to look for the extra CP-even scalars, comparing the impact of measurements of the SM Higgs couplings with the direct...
Haiying CAI
(IPNL, Lyon)
16/01/2015 09:53
We focus on the possibility that the Higgs boson is a state which is either as a Pseudo Goldstone Boson of an effective Lagrangian description or as a composite state made of techini fermions. In this composite Higgs model, the symmetry breaking pattern is SU(4)/SP(4) and the light Higgs will further mix with a heavier techni-Higgs. We consider the constraints on the parameter space both from...
sylvain fichet
16/01/2015 10:07
We discuss the discovery potential of light-by-light scattering at the LHC, induced by the SM and by new exotic charged particles. Our simulation relies on intact proton detection in the planned forward detectors of CMS and ATLAS. The full four-photon amplitudes generated by any electrically charged particles of spins 1/2 and 1, including the SM processes involving loops of leptons, quarks and...
Martin Gonzalez-Alonso
(IPN Lyon)
16/01/2015 10:21
EFTs are a useful tool to analyze and compare different New Physics searches. I'll discuss the interplay between low-energy beta decay experiments and LHC searches, the application to Higgs decay data and the limitations of the method when light new particles are present.
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