Michel Tytgat
16/01/2015 11:05
I briefly discuss the current status of dark matter
phenomenology, with an emphasis on simple (or simplified) models
and their possible experimental signatures.
Marco Taoso
(IPhT Saclay/CEA)
16/01/2015 11:30
A GeV gamma-ray excess has possibly been individuated in Fermi-LAT data from the Galactic Center and interpreted in terms of Dark Matter annihilations, either in hadronic or leptonic channels. In order to test this tantalizing interpretation, we address two issues: (i) we improve the computation of secondary emission from DM, confirming it to be very relevant for determining the DM spectrum in...
Giorgio Arcadi
(LPT Orsay)
16/01/2015 11:44
We analyze some simple but general scenarios in which the interactions of a (fermionic) Dark Matter with Standard Model particles are mediated by a scalar/pseudoscalar or vector state. We discuss the impact of current Dark Matter searches, with particular focus on the interpretation of the recently reported gamma-ray excess. We will also illustrate the prospect of detection in next future experiments.
Cedric Delaunay
16/01/2015 12:12
Direct searches of neutralino dark matter in underground scattering experiments constitute a significant pressure on weak scale naturalness in the MSSM. The resulting neutralino fine-tuning is almost as severe as that arising from the heavy stops required by a125GeV Higgs boson. We analyse in an effective field theory framework the implication for neutralino fine-tuning of MSSM extensions...
(HEPHY - Vienna)
16/01/2015 12:26
The absence of BSM signals at the Large Hadron Collider and the strong cosmological evidence for dark matter (DM) have motivated a fairly model-independent Effective Field Theory (EFT) approach to describe the interactions of DM particles with the Standard Model. This approach is known to be both powerful, thanks to its simplicity, as well as subtle, due to its potential limitations. I will...