Luca Brigliadori
(University of Bologna)
The discovery of the top quark in 1995 has been one of the great successes of the CDF and D0 experiments at the Tevatron collider.
Since then, both collaborations have measured the properties of the
top quark in many channels and using different methods.
The importance of measuring its mass lies in the possibility
of verifying the predictions and the consistency of the Standard Model as well as in setting constraints on possible, still unobserved physics.
The most precise measurement is still coming from the last Tevatron
combination (March 2013), using data samples corresponding to integrated luminosities up to 8.7 fb-1:
Mtop = 173.20 +- 0.51(stat) +- 0.71(syst) GeV.
In this talk a selected review of the most recent or relevant results obtained by the CDF and D0 Collaborations is presented, with updates not included in the combination.
Auteur principal
Luca Brigliadori
(University of Bologna)