Using multidimensional complex analysis to evaluate Feynman diagrams
DrDavid Greynat(IFIC Valencia)
Amphi de Recherche
Amphi de Recherche
In a previous work, we showed how the Mellin-Barnes representation of
Feynman diagrams with one scale (i.e. one ratio of masses and/or momenta),
when combined with the converse mapping theorem, allows to simplify a lot
the analytical evaluation of as many terms as wanted of their asymptotic
expansions in powers and logs of this scale. Recently, we extended this
method to Feynman diagrams containing several scales. For this, we used
multidimensional complex analysis and especially multidimensional residues
theory. This very general technique can be applied to different domains. We
illustrate it by evaluating analytically a specific class of 5-loops QED
contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, involving the
masses of the electron, muon and tau.