4–6 juin 2013
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
After the successful four-year period of LHC data taking, a lot a physics discoveries have been accomplished, for which the computing grid has played a fundamental role. The LHC shutdown, that started in early 2013, gives us now an opportunity to develop and commission new ideas to face the future needs of HEP computing. This workshop aims at gathering computing and storage-related software developers, grid operation and network experts, and site administrators involved in ALICE computing activities. Everyone will profit from presentations, tutorials and discussions, and is therefore highly encouraged to join this event.

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Domaine Scientifique de la Doua 21 avenue Pierre de Coubertin 69100 Villeurbanne, FRANCE Phone : +33 478 930 880 Fax : +33 472 694170 GPS coordinates: N 45°46.995 E 04°51.984
Workshop fee : 230 €
including lunches and social events