14–16 mai 2012
Université Montpellier 2
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Reconstruction of non-analytic functions

16 mai 2012, 15:35
Salle des actes, bât. 7 (UM2)

Salle des actes, bât. 7



Dr David GREYNAT (Fisica Teorica - Uni. de Zaragoza)


With the help of the Mellin-Barnes transform, we show how to simultaneously resum the expansion of any kind of non-analytic functions around 0, 1 and $ infinity$ in a systematic way. We exemplify the method for the perturbative vector, axial scalar and pseudo-scalar correlator at $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_s^{3})$. We show that the coefficients, $\Omega(n)$, of the Taylor expansion of the vacuum polarization function in terms of the conformal variable $\omega$ admit, for large $n$, an expansion in powers of $1/n$ (up to logarithms of $n$) that we can calculate exactly. This large-$n$ expansion has a sign-alternating component given by the logarithms of the OPE, and a fixed-sign component given by the logarithms of the threshold expansion in the external momentum $q^2$.

Auteur principal

Dr David GREYNAT (Fisica Teorica - Uni. de Zaragoza)


Dr Pere Masjuan (Universidad de Granada) Prof. Santiago PERIS (IFAE- Barcelona)

Documents de présentation