14–16 mai 2012
Université Montpellier 2
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Informations pratiques (hôtels, etc.)/ Practical information (hotels, etc.)

Travel and stay:

From the train station to UM2:

* take tram line 1 towards "Mosson", stop at "Universités des Sciences et des Lettres" (20 min);
* walk towards the red "donut", where the university entrance is located;
* go to the Admnistration building (build. n° 7, check the site map there).

A non-exhaustive list of hotels is available here.
For those who need to save some money, there are also a few very basic but reliable hotels, conveniently located downtown close to the tram line going to the University:
Hotel des Etuves, Hotel Majestic, Hotel de la Comedie.

Some events in Montpellier alongside the RPP2012 (click):
Concert Ruzicka/Rozsa/Weill
Concert Rossini/Mendelssohn/Schumann
Photo exhibition William Eugene Smith
Art exhibitions at Musee Fabre

Some towns to visit around:
Aigues Mortes, Nîmes, Saint-Guilhem-le-Desert, etc.