Indisponibilité programmée / Scheduled outage

Nous procéderons à une opération de maintenance le mercredi 12 mars 2025 à 8h00 (CET).

  • Indico sera indisponible durant cette opération.
  • La durée prévisionnelle d'indisponibilité est estimée à une heure.

We will be performing maintenance on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 8:00 AM (CET).

  • Indico will be unavailable during this operation.
  • The estimated downtime is one hour.
14–16 nov. 2011
IPN Orsay
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Minutes of the Steering Committee

Minutes of the LEA-Colliga Steering Committee who has met on Nov. 15th 2011 and has discussed the main points of the following agenda:
  1. Collaboration Spes-Spiral2 ongoing collaboration
  2. Discussion on the MoU for EDEN between IPNO and LNS Catania
  1. Discussion on common interest on the new gamma array development of Galileo and ORGAM?
  2. Initiative of all possible French-Italian partners to develop hadrontherapy R&D and development
  1. Common workshop Colliga and Copigal to be discussed at the next Copigal workshop in June 2012 @ Krakow
Those are the main points raised on the above items.

  1. Regarding the UCx target the Steering Committee the SC encourage the collaboration between IPN and LNL on its R&D.
As far as the production of the carbon converter wheel the collaboration in ongoing and a MoU has been signed already between GANIL, IN2P3 and INFN.
Charge breeder collaboration is also ongoing between SPES and Grenoble and could benefit from a MoU. The Steering Committee suggests that a formal text be written.
  1. A MoU was signed for the EDEN detectors between LNS Catania and IPNO. The EDEN neutron detector array has been put by IPNO as a contribution to the italian-french collaboration on a two-year experimental program at LNS with MAGNEX.
A specific new electronics was developed by the Milan laboratory. Commissioning was performed in July. The Steering Committee strongly supports this collaboration.
  1. ORGAM3 is still being studied as far as mechanics, electronics, but not the cryostat yet. The Steering Committee suggests that this work from both parts could be optimized and recommends people from IPNO and LNL to meet and discuss the various opportunities in order to develop common tools. In the near future, probably during the next LEA-Colliga meeting, the question of how this project can be realized has to be discussed with the involved physicists, namely either having one shared detector or try building both.
As far as detection is concerned Paris will sign a MoU, NEDA has already a draft circulating, FAZIA and AGATA have one signed already.
  1. The Steering Committee suggests that the director of LNS Catania, Giacomo Cuttone, has a session organized on hadrontherapy R&D at the Krakow meeting of June 4th 2012 (Copigal Workshop), The idea being to possibly have a common proposal to be submitted at EU level to support the teams in this field working at different facilities instead of having separate, individual proposals.
  1. It is suggested to invite to the Copigal (French-Polish) workshop of June 2012 the Italian colleagues who have common topics.