Tommaso Marchi
(INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro - Università di Padova)
The RIPEN apparatus is a neutron detector array composed of BC501 liquid scintillators specifically suited for neutron detection and time of flight measurement. It was installed at Legnaro National Laboratory in early `90s, while the last measurement campaign was performed in 2007. At present the apparatus is undergoing a process of complete substitution of readout/acquisition electronics. The capabilities of digital electronics have been tested using CAEN V1720 VME digitizers (12 bit, 250MS/s). Analogue RC/CR emulation filters have been developed to perform neutron gamma discrimination: zero crossing technique as well as gate integrated method have been implemented.
In June 2011 a subset of 8 detectors was successfully used to perform an in-beam experiment to measure neutron production cross sections. This required the use of 2 VME synchronized acquisition boards and the development of a specific on-line analysis software. We will present a short description of the RIPEN apparatus at LNL and the digital electronic setup. We will also show preliminary results from the above mentioned in-beam test.
Auteur principal
Tommaso Marchi
(INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro - Università di Padova)