Giuseppe POLITI
(Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Università di Catania - ITALY)
The first results of the ISODEC experiment, performed at the INFN-Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (LNS) by using the CHIMERA detector, will be presented. The principal aim of this experiment is to study the competition between the various disintegration modes of 118,134Ba produced in the reactions 78Kr+40Ca and 86Kr+48Ca at 10 AMeV, exploring the isospin dependence of the decay modes of medium mass compound nuclei compound nuclei. The experiment complements data already obtained at 5.5 MeV/A for 78,82Kr+40Ca reactions, previously realized with beams delivered by GANIL facility and by using the INDRA detector.
Staggering effects are evident in the Z distributions, as well as different isotopic composition and enrichment for the reaction products in the two systems.
Absolute cross sections calculations of the reaction products are in progress, to provide important indication on the isospin influence on the reaction mechanism and fragments production.
Comparisons with theoretical models are in progress to estimate the influence of structural effects during the separation phase in asymmetric fission.
Auteur principal
Giuseppe POLITI
(Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Università di Catania - ITALY)