14–16 nov. 2011
IPN Orsay
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Study of the 60Fe(n,gamma)61Fe reaction of astrophysical interest via (d,p) transfer reaction

15 nov. 2011, 17:50
Auditorium Irène Joliot-Curie (IPN Orsay)

Auditorium Irène Joliot-Curie

IPN Orsay


Mlle Sandra GIRON (IPNO)


60Fe is of special interest in nuclear astrophysics. Indeed, the recent detection of 60Fe caracteristic gamma-ray lines by RHESSI and INTEGRAL spacecrafts is a strong evidence that 60Fe nucleosynthesis is still going on in the Galaxy. Moreover, the detection of an 60Ni (daughter-nuclei of 60Fe) excess in presolar grains give us information about the conditions of formation of the early solar system.
However, several reactions involved in 60Fe nucleosynthesis suffer from large uncertainties, which imply uncertainties on the 60Fe yields predicted by stellar models. It is the case of 60Fe destruction reaction, 60Fe(n,γ)61Fe.
We studied the direct capture part of the 60Fe(n,γ)61Fe reaction via the d(60Fe,p) transfer reaction at LISE/GANIL. The experimental setup consists in two beam tracking detectors, four MUST2 telescopes, and four EXOGAM clovers. The method used to extract the energy of 61Fe excited states populated via the transfer method as well as the measured angualr distributions will be explained. DWBA analysis of the measured differential cross-sections, which allowed us to extract angular momentum and spectroscopic factors of the populated states below the neutron threshold will be presented. Experimental results will finally be compared to shell-model calculations.

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