Wednesday 16th
9 :30 Registration
Morning Session (10 :00-12 :00) : Pedro Vieira
Integrability and two dimensional approaches
Morning Session (10 :00-12 :00) : Pedro Vieira
Integrability and two dimensional approaches
Lunch (12 :00-14:00)
Afternoon Session (14 :00-16 :00) : Jan Plefka
Amplitudes and Symmetries
Amplitudes and Symmetries
Coffee break
Thursday 17th
9:45 Morning Coffee
Morning Session (10 :00-12 :00) : Gregory Korchemsky
Towards grand unification in N=4 SYM:
scattering amplitudes + Wilson loops + correlation functions
Towards grand unification in N=4 SYM:
scattering amplitudes + Wilson loops + correlation functions
Lunch (12 :00-14:00)
Afternoon Session (14 :00-16 :00) : Lionel Mason
Amplitudes and Wilson loops in twistor space
and their dual super conformal invariance
Amplitudes and Wilson loops in twistor space
and their dual super conformal invariance
Coffee break
Friday 18th
9:45 Morning Coffee
Morning Session (10 :00-12 :00) : Lev Lipatov
Regge and bootstraps
Regge and bootstraps
Lunch (12 :00-14:00)