Peter Geltenbort
(Institut Laue-Langevin)
Due to their outstanding property to be storable and hence observable for long periods of time (several hundreds of seconds) in suitable material or magnetic traps, ultra-cold neutrons (UCN) with energies around 100 neV are an unique tool to study fundamental properties of the free neutron, like its beta-decay lifetime, its electric dipole moment and its wave properties.
The search for the electric dipole moment (EDM) of the neutron plays a prominent role in particle physics because of its direct bearing on CP and T violation: a non-zero value of the neutron EDM would be evidence of CP and T violation.
Precision measurements of the neutron lifetime provide stringent tests of the standard electroweak model as well as crucial inputs for tests of Big-Bang nucleosynthesis. Neutron lifetime can be related to CKM Matrix unitarity. Neutron lifetime also dominates the uncertainty in theoretical calculation of primordial 4He.
In this talk current ILL experiments linked to these fundamental questions are presented and a brief outlook is given.
Auteur principal
Peter Geltenbort
(Institut Laue-Langevin)